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Reclaiming Archives - Free Downloads!

The Reclaiming Quarterly archives project just posted a ZIP file containing over 400 files (mainly PDFs) of Reclaiming archives from the past 40 years!

RQ has been collecting archives for the past decade and making them available on our old site ( Now we've compressed a broad sampling and posted hem as a single, free download. There's also a sub-collection of just the Spiral Dance files.

RQ Archives Sampler Disk - Contents

- Spiral Dance scripts, music, notes, flyers, etc

- various witchcamp flyers, brochures, camp packets etc

- Crossing Over - original version of Pagan Book of Living & Dying

- Notes and outlines from the early 1990s Multi-Cultural rituals

- notes and outlines from many local SF rituals, classes, and events

- various flyers, promocards, handbills, etc

- and much more!

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