New album - all streaming sites - Beltane 2023!
Melodic Mystery
Ritual Music from Reclaiming Tradition
Reclaiming's latest - mystery and melody combine in music!
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Melodic Mystery - Ritual Music from Reclaiming Tradition
ALBUM PREVIEW - album streams on all sites
Melodic Mystery: Ritual Music from Reclaiming Tradition - released Spring 2023 - was curated and produced by Eileen Hazel and George Franklin/Reclaiming Quarterly.
It’s been several years since Reclaiming released a collection of chants (Campfire Chants in 2016), and the musicians, witches and priestesses of Reclaiming have been busily writing songs during the pandemic!
One of the inspirations for this album were Intention Songs for Spiral Dance rituals that were written collaboratively for our first ever online Spiral Dance rituals in 2020-2022. The words of these songs were created by the Ritual Planning Charette, in trance on zoom meetings! Then long-time Chorus members took those intentions and set them to music. Because we were deep in the pandemic, singers recorded their parts in all sorts of different conditions, and our studio whiz Jack did some deep mixing of those parts.
Another inspiration was to record or re-work some long-time Reclaiming chants. These include “Weaver Weaver,” a song written by Starhawk that has been a staple at our Spiral Dances for many years but had never been recorded with all the lyrics before. And you'll hear a fresh take of “Air I Am/Aire Soy,” which has been updated with Spanish lyrics and a folk-blues arrangement (stay tuned for more bilingual chants!).
We also put out a call to the wider Reclaiming community, and got some new songs written specifically for this collection, as well as several much-loved classics.
We received so many tracks that we’re already thinking about a future collection of ritual music! Seventeen of the tracks were finished in time and included in this collection.
Here's a preview of the 17 tracks on Melodic Mystery: Ritual Music from Reclaiming Tradition. Links at top of page.
- George and Eileen -- album curators and producers.
Suzanne Sterling, Beverly M. Frederick, Starhawk, Moonrise. You've heard their chants. Now they stretch it out.
Eileen Hazel, Irene Rojas-Carroll, Heaven Walker, Amy Clarke, Laurie Lovekraft, Turning Earth Singers, Kimba Joy Theurich, Tarin Towers - singers heard for the first (or maybe second) time on a Reclaiming album.
Songs by the Spiral Dance Chorus, which you may have heard many times live at Spiral Dance!
The album concludes with a special guest appearance by Robert Gass & On Wings of Sound, singing a favorite circle-opening song!
The album follows a loose ritual arc, with Intention, Circle Casting, Elemental Invocations, lots of Goddess Invocations, Trance and Magical Workings, and a Circle Opening.
Seventeen tracks of music ranging from solo singers to full chorus. You'll hear folk, a capella, trance, blues, and even a bit of electronica!
All streaming sites - here's a couple of quick links: Youtube Spotify
Album (or individual tracks) can be purchased on Bandcamp
Beltane 2023!
Because we want Reclaiming albums to represent all of our music!
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