Wyrd Vibrations
Future Sounds of Paganism from Reclaiming Tradition

Wyrd Vibrations - Album Preview
Wyrd Vibrations: Future Sounds of Paganism from Reclaiming Tradition - released Spring 2023 - took root several years ago with a conversation at Mysteries of Samhain witchcamp.
Step Tranovich of Electromancy, a disabled musician, had just produced an album of hard rock played entirely by robots called Technopagan. KMo Valkrie, also at the camp, added ethereal vocals on Electromancy's debut, and we laughed that this ought to be Reclaiming's new sound.
About the same time Lali Wilde brought out an album of unique art-pop songs. And Thesmophora recorded a Russian version of Starhawk's song Snake Woman.
Our joke took on new life. We talked on zoom a couple of times, then put out a call on Reclaiming's elists. We received so many tracks that we made two albums. (Watch for a new collection of ritual music, Melodic Mystery, in mid-2023.)
Here's a preview of the 15 tracks on Wyrd Vibrations: Future Sounds of Paganism from Reclaiming Tradition. Links at top of page.
- George, Step, KMo, & Ola'i -- album coordinators
Suzanne Sterling, Beverly Frederick, magic brook, Starhawk. You've heard their chants. Now they stretch it out.
Lali Wilde, Irene Rojas-Carroll, Heaven Walker, Doug Orton,Thesmophora, Cyd Reiman, KMo Valkyrie - singers heard for the first time on a Reclaiming album.
Mary's Madness rocks it. Funky Nixons rap it. The elevator mix of an old classic will lift your spirits!
And robots - did we mention that Electromancy is a robot band? With videos to prove it!
Fifteen tracks of music ranging from deep to dramatic to daunting. Electronica, rap, metal, a capella, trance, indie pop.... Complete with videos!
All streaming sites - listen where you want - but don't miss the youtube video playlist!
Quick Links: Youtube Spotify
Official rollout begins Equinox 2023. Album is already streaming!
Because we want Reclaiming albums to represent all of our music!
Click here: Youtube Spotify
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